Thursday, September 12, 2024

No means no

Take back your life! You know what feels good for know the difference between love and's not your job to be someone's caregiver...esp. when they are not able to give what you can. If you're around unhealthy people and get triggered...esp. if you've experienced these things before...if they are in your family of origin and you've done a lot of work on yourself...don't let yourself get dragged down by someone who has not and can't operate on your level...Babysitting is not a romantic are not responsible for anyone but yourself...if they can't accept rejection with grace or attacking you...if they can't respect a "no"'s just further validation that they aren't right for means no. parenting is not a romantic relationship. it's easy to forget who you are around emotionally immature and manipulative people...don't get sucked into their drama. It's not who you are. 

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